39Ar/40Ar analytical results for Biotite from sample TL 8

T °C


36Ar/39Ar (x100)

37Ar/39Ar (x100)

39Ar/40Ar (x100)

%39Ar Cumul.

Age (Ma)

+- (Ma)

500 9.64 57.11 0.000 0.562 0.45 110.5 42.4
550 2.73 9.48 0.000 3.259 0.81 32.0 7.4
600 3.12 5.52 2.812 5.162 1.76 36.5 4.4
650 2.86 3.00 1.341 8.547 8.11 33.4 2.5
700 2.68 0.46 0.397 24.820 21.87 31.4 0.6
750 2.61 0.05 0.326 36.251 50.75 30.5 0.3
800 2.96 0.90 0.384 17.841 56.87 34.6 0.9
850 2.68 0.01 0.650 36.983 68.29 31.4 0.3
900 2.47 0.10 1.234 36.225 77.24 28.9 0.3
950 2.44 0.10 4.313 36.794 82.45 28.6 0.3
1000 2.54 0.06 4.069 36.943 89.08 29.7 0.3
1050 2.53 0.07 1.475 36.446 94.38 29.6 0.3
1450 2.58 0.08 0.984 35.501 100.00 30.3 0.3

Tab delimited text file of these results

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