39Ar/40Ar analytical results for Biotite from sample TL 13

T °C


36Ar/39Ar (x100)

37Ar/39Ar (x100)

39Ar/40Ar (x100)

%39Ar Cumul.

Age (Ma)

+- (Ma)

450 91.72 96.57 162.244 0.267 0.05 1151.0 63.4
500 24.5 61.12 58.261 0.491 0.21 385.8 58.9
550 16.44 35.09 4.660 0.839 0.74 267.8 36.3
600 7.60 18.49 8.379 1.619 2.42 128.8 20.6
650 10.52 24.66 10.558 1.208 5.63 175.9 26.7
700 4.71 8.28 0.133 3.453 19.19 80.9 9.5
750 1.89 0.97 0.702 21.157 46.13 32.8 1.3
800 1.62 0.21 0.000 44.704 55.89 28.3 0.4
850 1.6 0.13 0.611 50.488 65.03 27.8 0.4
900 1.63 0.16 3.886 48.250 71.28 28.3 0.4
950 1.63 0.26 2.924 42.265 77.76 28.3 0.5
1000 1.75 0.31 3.759 37.724 89.18 30.5 0.6
1050 1.63 0.41 3.138 35.504 95.32 28.4 0.6
1100 1.70 0.68 3.294 27.069 98.11 29.7 0.9
1200 1.13 0.60 86.414 34.618 100.00 19.7 0.8

Tab delimited text file of these results

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