Published papers on the Ailao Shan - Red River Fault zone and SE Asia:

Harrison, T. M., Chen Wenji, P. H. Leloup, F. J. Ryerson, and P. Tapponnier, An early Miocene transition in deformation regime within the Red River fault zone, Yunnan, and its significance for Indo-Asian tectonics, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7159-7182, 1992.

Harrison T.M., P.H. Leloup, F.J. Ryerson, P. Tapponnier, R. Lacassin, and Chen Wenji, Diachronous initiation of Transtension along the Ailao Shan-Red River Shear zone, Yunnan and Vietnam, in The Tectonics of Asia, edited by An Yin, and T.M. Harrison, World and regional geology series, 208-226, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Lacassin, R., P. H. Leloup, and P. Tapponnier, Bounds on strain in large Tertiary shear zones of SE Asia from boudinage restoration, J. Struct. Geol., 15, 677-692, 1993.

Lacassin, R., U. Schärer, P. H. Leloup, N. Arnaud, P. Tapponnier, Liu Xiaohan, and Zhang Lian-Sheng, Tertiary deformation and metamorphism SE of Tibet: The folded Tiger-leap décollement of NW Yunnan, China, Tectonics, 15, 605-622, 1996.

Lacassin R., H. Maluski, P.H. Leloup, P. Tapponnier, C. Hinthong, K. Siribhakdi, S. Chuaviroj, and A. Charoenravat, Tertiary diachronic extrusion and deformation of western Indochina: structural and 40Ar/39Ar evidence from NW Thailand, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 10013-10037, 1997.

Lacassin, R., A. Replumaz, and P. H. Leloup, Hairpin river loop and slip sense inversion on SE-Asian strike-slip faults, Geology, 26, 703-706, 1998.

Leloup, P. H., Cinématique des déformations "himalayennes" dans la zone de cisaillement crustale de l'Ailao Shan - Fleuve Rouge, Doctorat thesis , 148 pp., Université Paris 6, Paris, February 1991.

Leloup, P. H., T. M. Harrison, F. J. Ryerson, Chen Wenji, L. Qi, P. Tapponnier, and R. Lacassin, Structural, petrological and thermal evolution of a Tertiary ductile strike-slip shear zone, Diancang Shan, Yunnan, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 6715-6743, 1993.

Leloup, P. H., and J. R. Kienast, High Temperature deformation in a major Tertiary ductile continental strike-slip fault: evidence of shear heating at lithospheric scale?, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 118, 213-234, 1993.

Leloup, P. H., R. Lacassin, P. Tapponnier, Zhong Dalai, Liu Xiaohan, Zhang Lianshang, Ji Shaocheng, and Phan Trong Trinh, The Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone (Yunnan, China), Tertiary transform boundary of Indochina, Tectonophysics, 251, 3-84, 1995.

Leloup, P.H., Y. Ricard, J. Battaglia, and R. Lacassin, Shear heating in continental strike-slip shear zones: numerical modeling and case studies, Geophys. J. Int., 136, 19-40, 1999.

Leloup P.H., Arnaud N., Lacassin R., Kienast J.R., Harrison T.M., Phan Trong Trinh, Replumaz A., Tapponnier P, New constraints on the structure, thermochronology and timing of the Ailao Shan - Red River shear zone, SE Asia, J. Geophys. Res, 106, 6657-6671, 2001.

Replumaz, A., Lacassin, R., Tapponnier, P., Leloup, P.H., Large river offests and Plio-Quaternary dextral slip-rate on the Red-River fault (Yunnan, China), J. Geophys. Res., 106, 819-836, 2001.

Roger F., P.H. Leloup, M. Jolivet, R. Lacassin, Phan Trong Trinh, M. Brunel, D. Seward, Unravelling a long and complex thermal history by multi-system geochronology: example of the SongChay metamorphic dome, North Vietnam., Tectonophysics, 321, 449-466, 2000.

Schärer, U., P. Tapponnier, R. Lacassin, P. H. Leloup, Zhong Dalai, and Ji Shaocheng, Intraplate tectonics in Asia: a precise age for large-scale Miocene movement along the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone, China, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 97, 65-77, 1990.

Schärer, U., Zhang Lian-Sheng, and P. Tapponnier, Duration of strike-slip movements in large shear zones: The REd River belt, China, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 126, 379-397, 1994.

Tapponnier, P., R. Lacassin, P. H. Leloup, U. Schärer, Zhong Dalai, Liu Xiaohan, Ji Shaocheng, Zhang Lianshang, and Zhong Jiayou, The Ailao Shan/red River metamorphic belt: Tertiary left-lateral shear between Indochina and South China, Nature, 343, 431-437, 1990.

Zhang L., and U. Schärer, Inherited Pb components in magmatic titanite and their consequence for the interpretation of U-Pb ages, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 138, 57-65, 1996.