Mots traitres

Rogue words that obey no gender laws.

Words that break the basic rule: "feminine words end with -e"


acolyte, âne, ange, bide, dimanche, domaine, crabe, cube, éloge, foie, insecte, module, monde, mythe, observatoire, piège, rôle, site, stade, texte, vide


amours (plural only), boisson, clef, cloison, eau, façon, fin, fois, foison, fourmi, main, mer, moisson, paix, peau, radio, toison

Exceptions to the basic rule

The following are usually masculine:

The following are usually feminine:

Either/or: Words ending with

Note, the percentages above come from the site Le Truc des Genres.

Some words that are spelled the same have masculine and feminine forms with different meanings:

masculine feminine
aide helper help
critique critic criticism
garde guard(military) guard(handle)
guide guide reins
livre book pound
manche handle sleeve
mode method fashion
office duty pantry
pendule pendulum clock
poêle stove frying pan
poste job post office
somme nap sum
tour turn tower
vase vase mud
voile veil sail

Know any more mots traitres? Drop me a line!